Società di Danza - Circolo Modenese

School of XIX Century Dance

Società di Danza Modenese

Versione Italiana


The Società di Danza  in Modena started activities of Scottish dance and dances with the teacher Fabio Mollica, since 1991.
Over the years, have made Balls, Solidarity Party, conferences and evening entertainment.

Balls 2012
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Gran Ballo Risorgimentale
Saturday 5 May 2012
h. 17.30
Mirandola (MO)
Piazza Costituente
19th century dance in 19th century dress

Dance Party 2012
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Dance Party Modenesi

Friday 27 January 2012
Sala parrocchiale della chiesa
San Giovanni Evangelista
Via E.Diena, 120
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Scottish party
Sunday, 25 november 2012
from h.15 to 19
Scottish dancing by the Società di Danza