Società di Danza - Circolo Modenese

School of XIX Century Dance

Società di Danza Modenese

Versione Italiana


The Società di Danza  in Modena started activities of Scottish dance and dances with the teacher Fabio Mollica, since 1991.
Over the years, have made Balls, Solidarity Party, conferences and evening entertainment.

Events 2006-2007
  • Gran Ballo Estense, Modena, Palazzo Ducale, Cortile d'Onore, Saturday 23 June 2007, h. 21.30
    in the Serate Estensi organized by Comune di Modena, Assessorato allo Sport

  • Balli in Villa, Modena, Sunday 1 July 2006, Villa Sorra, h. 18, performance of XIX Century dance

  • Tea Dance
    • 23 September 2005, Festa della Solidarietà, in collaboration with AIL, Salone Stanguellini, via Emilia Est, 756, Modena
    • 13 December 2007, Festa di Natale, Palestra Scuola El. S.G. Bosco, Via Morselli, 44, Modena
    • 11 May 2007, Festa sociale, Polisportiva Madonnina, V. Admunsen, ore 20.30 Modena